One fine October morning

(22nd 2019)

Or - The Mind-Skin Connection

thinking forward one year
next autumn
planning with eagerness, joy 
walks in the great parks
over grass still green
leaves burnished 
none so bright as her hair
cosy chats by fireside
wool blankets
reproduction of a perfect pub lunch
by a surrogate river
unaccepting - for this autumn, it’s all over
gone away, grey 
casting forward is a way
of not acknowledging the space 
distance in time and place
sadness, anger, hurt and rage
trapped in this body cage
itch and scratch and bleed 

It was a drizzly October day that we said goodbye on my sister’s most recent visit, autumn 2019. We enjoyed a cosy pub meal by a river not too far from Heathrow and we had lots of plans for her next trip, which we expected would be the following year.

A few days later, it was bright and beautiful, but my feelings obviously were not as I apparently tried to deal with the sadness by looking at places we might go together, things we could see and do next time. My eczema alerted to what was going on! and a little therapeutic writing helped.


Haiku Challenge #2


Spider Silk