Haiku Challenge #2

We had some lovely contributions to our Spring Haiku Challenge! Here are two of our favorites:

The swallows dive near

In spring the young learn to fly

Bold and unafraid

- K. W.

For some of us, Spring cleaning was on the agenda :

Tear apart kitchen

Existing rooms destruction

We love our new house!


This Autumn season brings a whole new palette into our lives. On with boots and scarves, in with apples and gourds.

Here in New England, climate change has confused the famous foliage, so we have as yet only a smattering of color. Still, a walk in unseasonably warm weather through Watkin’s Glen doesn’t disappoint:

Layers of shale stacked

Like old library books. Leaves

Drift down, gold embers.

Would you like to share what Autumn brings to you this year? We’d love to hear your Autumn haiku! Share your verse or favorite images of the season and selected contributions may be posted in a future newsletter.

Tempest-tost acorns
Tumbling on rain-washed cobbles

Who’s for ‘duvet day’?



The Introverted Season


One fine October morning