Walmer Castle Gardens (summer)


Walmer Castle is one of three built on the shore here in the 1500’s by Henry VIII in his drive to protect the coastline from the Franco-Spanish invasion anticipated in the wake of his divorcing Catherine of Aragon and repudiation of the Catholic Church.

We live half a mile from Deal Castle and just under a mile from Walmer Castle. Sandown Castle, at the north end of Deal, is no more, largely washed into the sea, its stones pillaged and ultimately any remains covered with concrete by 1980’s sea defences. A very pretty community garden marks the site, however this bears no comparison with the gardens at Walmer Castle, which was extended and modified from its original fortress plan to become the dwelling of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. Once a vastly important position, by the 1700’s the role had become largely ceremonial and was given to government ministers in need of the salary that went with it. William Pitt was one such and his niece, Lady Hester Stanhope, ‘kept house’ for him and left her mark on the gardens. Other famous residents include Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington. He died at the castle, reportedly his favourite residence, in 1852. More recently Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother made regular stays here in the summer and it was for her that the lovely pond garden was created.

The borders of the ‘broad walk’ are colourful and interesting throughout the year with a backdrop of dark evergreen ‘cloud pruned’ hedge.

Kitchen gardens supply the tearooms and there is always much of interest, edibles or flowers, most of the year.


My favourite place to have a cup of tea - up on the battlements, overlooking the channel. One of the rooms opens through double doors straight out here - I can’t help imagining being one of the past residents, waking up to this view and having my early morning cup of tea looking out at the sun rising in front of me over the sea.


Longshaw Estate

