“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.”

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”
― Marcel Proust


In 2020, the pastime of travel for pleasure arrived abruptly at a large roadblock. In many countries, suffering from the pandemic itself has combined with loss of tourist trade in ways that may take years for recovery and most people cannot dream of travel for fun. But for those who formerly relieved the business of life with travel, the inability to do so due to restrictions and health cautions has been a source of much frustration.

If we have the privilege to be in the latter category, we’re fortunate to be able to choose to have ‘new eyes’ to discover that which is nearby. We are also privileged to be able to reflect back on voyages we’ve made in the past. Often, while slowly absorbing a new location we experience flashes of insight and moments of clarity. These new resolutions frequently dissipate all too soon - perhaps now is an opportunity to re-experience those trips and see what more we can learn from them.