Hello, goodbye…

The watershed that keeps on shedding - of course during and since the pandemic there are many things that have become part of our lives or no longer are, collectively, such as the use of zoom or similar software for long distance communications, working from home (or wishing we still were), various certainties that have departed our collective consciousness.  

Over the pandemic period, some things have entered our lives and left again, or temporarily departed and now are restored to their former place. But each of us also has our own list of things that have permanently changed in our life over the past few years.  For each there is a story to be told.  Some will be related to the pandemic, directly or indirectly, to social, cultural, or economic changes as a result of the pandemic or simply during the era, to ways our thinking and feeling have changed as a result of any of those things. Some are just the normal changes that happen with time and circumstance.  

So, other than those major factors common to most or all of us, what things have changed in your life in the last four+ years, whether related to the pandemic or not?  Here’s my list:   



High heeled / tight toed shoes 

A close friend who died without warning

My allotment 


Comfort with being bare-faced in public 

Barefoot aka foot friendly shoes 

A car!  First time I’ve owned one in the UK - purchased May 2021

Qualification as a massage therapist 

Noise canceling headphones 

An additional brother-in-law

Wild/cold water swimming


2023 plan vs. reality