
For the first time in months today I went for a leisurely drive through the country lanes after work. It was at the tail end of January that a bit of light at the edge of the horizon when I left work gave a bit of a lift to the now not-quite-pitch-black drive home. A few weeks later and there’s colour and light to see a bit of the varying shades of green in the world around me and some shading of colour in the sky. I loiter through the dusk, rejoicing in the return of light. I wend my way along roads I haven’t traversed in months, rediscovering the gentle sweeps and rises of the land around. When your way is lit only by headlamps, carving a path of light through a tunnel of darkness, the quickest way home is the best. But now even the little bit of light there is makes driving longer ways home well worth the extra time.


2023 plan vs. reality

