The 16 Personality Types Make An Omelette

Editor’s note: 

This bit of mental frippery arose spontaneously during a conversation between friends about the challenges of working on big projects with teams full of diverse thought processes. Let’s face it, some of us are agents of chaos, whether we’re aware of it or not. But is that actually a bad thing? After all, “You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.”

If you’re not familiar with MBTI personality types, the following may at first seem completely inscrutable. It’s one of those tests school counselors or eager H.R. directors might urge you to take, a '“temperament sorter” that purports to help you understand your cognitive preferences and those of the oddballs around you. You may be interested to try it out, or you may enjoy a read through to see if you can identify which one is you, and which one is your annoying coworker.  

PS. Johanna, if you’re reading this, I tried to co-credit you but the website won’t let me add a “guest author” so I get to take credit for your wit.

INTJ: In the grand scheme of things, a dozen wasted eggs pales in comparison to the enormous egg preserving effect our new omelette making device will ultimately have on the world egg supply. 

*Drops all the eggs because eye-hand coordination is underdeveloped.*

INTP: But we could just break three, instead of the whole dozen... Should this be the 3rd egg, or this one? They are so alike…

*drops all the eggs because forgot physics for a moment*


ISFJ: *mopping fretfully*

ESTP: Are we throwing eggs?! Why did I not get here sooner?!?! 

*pelts others with eggs with high degree of accuracy*

ISTP: *muttering under breath while quietly makes world’s best omelette and eats it alone*

ISTJ: *Marks the broken eggs under R&D in the ledger and orders more eggs*

ENFP: *Rolls around in the broken eggs to see what it feels like*

ESFJ: *Calls friends to "see how we feel about broken eggs."*

ISFP: *creates a wall mosaic with eggshells and poses in front of it for Instagram*

ESFP: I can juggle eggs! Look at me juggling eggs! Bet you’ve never seen eggs juggled like this! 

*Drops eggs on purpose for comic effect.*

INFP: *begins scribbling poem about the fragility of life, the inevitability of time and the slickness of egg yolk under one's feet*

ENTP: *Brainstorms fifty applications for broken eggs, looks for funding*

INFJ: *torn between overpowering desire to stop wasteful destruction of natural resources and overpowering desire to throw eggs with glee* 

I... I.. I‘ll be in my room! 

*Finds a corner to huddle in and pops bubble wrap to calm down*

ENFJ: How do you feel about the eggs? *wise, sad expression* How do you think the chicken would feel about our use of eggs today?

ENTJ: *Quietly invests in chicken farm futures.* 

This is productive. Keep up the good work.


A Blossom In The Weeds - Part One


A Sinister Afternoon