A great starter


I forgot to take photos until we’d eaten most of it.

This is a super delicious starter and it could not be easier, if you can get fresh okra in your area.

Rinse, place on a sheet pan lined with parchment/greaseproof paper, sprinkle with seasalt and drizzle with olive oil. I used a chilli/rosemary infused olive oil which gave it an extra special flavour. If you don’t have an infused oil, add a few finely chopped garlic cloves, this is another great combination.

Roast in oven preheated at gas 6 for 7-10 minutes - you want the colour to still be quite bright, there should be some give if you poke them, but not soft. Done this way they will be a lovely texture and not slimy.

We ate them using the top end as a little disposable handle - some instructions say cut it off before cooking but I say, why bother, save the time and enjoy eating with your fingers.


If you’re fortunate the oil will have stayed on the paper leaving the baking tray clean, so no washing up afterward. Bonus.


Caitlin’s Elderflower Collins